MSVR Supercup 2020


Well, this is an odd season already, with covid knocking everything flat and then the season starting with some weird rules in place its all been a bit of an eye opener.

We started the year full of high hopes, Callum won his class last season so we spent the Winter upgrading his car to move up to the top (S) class and Winter testing showed that the car was quick and ready to go with the new upgrades (separate story on that coming), however the season has not been kind to us.

Race 1 was at Snetterton and an unfortunate collision with a lower class car in practice meant we snapped a Bilstein front shock so we had to rape Callums road M3 for a complete set of road suspension to race on. Unsurprisingly this meant Callum couldnt really pedal the car to its full potential so we ended up 6th (with a fastest lap though at one point that was nice).

Race 2 at Silverstone was a home race for us but no guests and pretty much zero crew meant we had to watch on line (some of these coronavirus restrictions are a bit mad) but again an off in practice ended up sheering the rear top mount and so again Callum had little choice but to get round best he could and we got 7th at the end.

So after two races its kind of hard to make up some decent race reports, no crew means no photography as well so we are thankful of these from a Facebook follower Grid Art – thank you!

Next race is mid September at Brands Hatch again (I said it was a weird season) so hopefully we are due a decent bit of luck for a change, racing eh, who’d do it?